Judges Education
The BSCA is planning on offering hands on Judges Education discussing Anatomy, locomotion; and, of course, The Coat.
Is something of particular interest you would like address? Please email bscamerica@gmail with specific questions. We will make every effort to accommodate.
On Behalf of the BSCA Judges Education Committee we are entreating you who are approved to judge our breed and those who may judge it in the future our Judges Education Booklet and the PDF format of Dr. Maria Andreoli’s, “The Bergamasco Alpine Sheepdog.” We recognize the difficulty in judging process and we hope by providing this information your job may be just a little bit easier.
Please enjoy:
AKC Bergamasco Standard as of January 1 2011; BSCA Judges Education Supplemental;
Please email the BSCA at bscamerica@gmail.com, for the Dr. Maria Andreoli’s PDF: “The Bergamasco Alpine Sheepdog”
For more information on Maria Andreoli view: In Memory Of Maria Andreoli
The Bergamasco officially recognized by the AKC in January of 2015. We are proud of the accomplishments of our breed as a show, family and working dog and the consistent quality in a breed with such a small gene pool. It is also important that the Parent Club continue throughout the USA to provide judges education of this very unique breed. Please feel free to contact the BSCA with any questions or recommendations on how we can assist you better in your endeavors to learn about the Bergamasco.